The Sioux Falls Food Co+op has a semi-private space available for meetings, workshops, and working meals.

About the space:

  • Maximum Capacity: 15 people
  • Moveable partitions will be used to separate the agreed upon space from the dining area and its entrance.
  • Currently, there is no audio-visual equipment available. You may bring your own, but sound equipment cannot be used due to the shared nature of the space.
  • No outside food or beverages are allowed.
  • Catering is available by contacting Andrew Elgersma at with at least a week’s notice. In addition, kitchen grab-and-go items and beverages are 10% off for meeting participants.
  • There is a $10 non-refundable deposit required to reserve the space, and that deposit covers the first hour of the space rental. Owners in good standing may reserve a complimentary second hour free of charge. Non-owners will be charged $10/hour from the second hour on.
  • The community space is not available for reservations 11am – 1pm in order to accommodate Co-op lunch guests.

 Community Space Guidelines:

  • Meeting space should be returned to its original set up with all trash, recycling, and used dishes placed in the appropriate containers provided. All unused materials must be removed by meeting organizers. Failure to return the space to the Co-op in the appropriate condition may result in the Co-op preventing organizers from booking future meetings.
  • Please notify the Co-op of cancellations, giving as much notice as possible.
  • The Co-op requests the opportunity to briefly welcome you and your guests at the beginning of your meeting time. This welcome will serve as an introduction to the Co-op for those who are unfamiliar with our community. The greeting will take only a minute or two.